How does Omega-3 help with sports?


Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) are the most important trace element for those who do sports.
They contribute to:
  • slowing down the breakdown of collagen fibers of articular cartilage;
  • reducing inflammation of joints and ligaments;
  • elimination of pain after sports.

If the daily consumption of Omega-3 fatty acids in childhood activates the processes of bone formation, then in adulthood it prevents the thinning of bone tissue. Omega-3 fatty acids preserve the elasticity of tendons, ligaments, articular cartilage, and improve the properties of intra-articular lubricant.

Omega-3 fatty acids have a positive effect on the secretion of testosterone, which is responsible not only for sexual function, but also for the growth of muscle mass. Testosterone is a powerful natural anabolic. With its help, accelerated muscle growth, increased formation of red blood cells, faster tissue regeneration, improved metabolism and bone strength are achieved.

Testosterone helps to cope with stressful situations, to be confident, strong and resilient.

How is Omega-3 related to testosterone?

The main building material for this hormone is essential amino acids of complete protein and polyunsaturated fats. Their deficiency significantly affects the level of testosterone in the blood. The essential amino acids of a complete protein and polyunsaturated fats are essential compounds that cannot be synthesized by the human body and must come from the outside. It is impossible to obtain the necessary ratio of essential amino acids of complete protein and polyunsaturated fatty acids completely from food. Also, testosterone synthesis requires cholesterol, which is produced by the liver from PUFA.

An important influence of Omega-3 fatty acids has a positive effect on the body of people engaged in sports, namely, they reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol, normalize blood pressure, exert immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effects, raise the general tone of the body, and protect blood vessels and capillaries.

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